Spanish II-III

Spanish II-III

Spanish II-III


By the end of level III, students who are making adequate progress in Spanish are able to:


  • Comprehend short passages in Spanish narrated by peers or teacher
  • Comprehend short conversations between peers and teacher


  • Initiate and sustain a conversation in Spanish with peers, teacher, or native speaker
  • Ask and respond to questions appropriately
  • Select and use appropriate vocabulary for a wide range of topics with some errors
  • Select and use appropriate verb forms in past, present and future tenses with some errors


  • Comprehend short authentic reading passages when topic is familiar
  • Comprehend some authentic literature modified for intermediate level
  • Use cognates, context and visual clues to decipher meaning in more difficult reading passages


  • Organize and write short letters, reports, narratives, summaries, poems (100 words+)
  • Select and use appropriate vocabulary (with some errors) for a wide range of topics
  • Select and use appropriate verb forms (with some errors) in past, present and future tenses


  • Exhibit a basic knowledge of where Spanish is spoken
  • Exhibit some knowledge of Hispanic culture (art, music, literature)
  • Exhibit an understanding of different Hispanic traditions
  • Recognize the connection between language and culture
  • Draw comparisons between different societies/cultures
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