By the end of Second Grade, students who are making adequate progress in Literacy are able to:
2.1 90% of the students will be at a Reading level 22 or above with 75% comprehension and fluent reading.
2.2 When reading or writing a story can identify problem, solution, characters, setting, title, and author.
2.3 Demonstrates
an understanding of the difference in fiction, non-fiction, and
realistic and fantasy verbally or through written expression.
2.1 Able to write a paragraph with a clear topic sentence and at least 3 supporting details.
2.2 Can write complete sentences using capital letters, grade level/ appropriate spelling and structure, and punctuation.
2.3 When reading or writing a story, can identify problem, solution, characters, setting, title, and author.
2.4 Demonstrates
an understanding of the difference in fiction, non-fiction, and
realistic and fantasy verbally or through written expression.
2.5 Demonstrates ability to differentiate noun/naming part and verb/action part verbally or through written expression.
2.1 Can listen, take notes, and respond to recall questions about a story verbally or through written expression.
2.1 Demonstrates
an understanding of the difference in fiction, non-fiction, and
realistic and fantasy verbally or through written expression.
2.2 Demonstrate ability to differentiate noun/naming part and verb/action part verbally or through written expression.
2.3 Can listen, take notes, and respond to recall questions about a story verbally or through written expression.