2021-2022 Entry Plan

2021-2022 Entry Plan

Blackhawk Entry Plan                                                                         2021-2022
Easing of Restrictions:
  • Students will attend school in-person 5 days a week with the pre-COVID start and end times.
  • Lockers will be available to students.
  • Temperature screenings and health surveys are no longer required.
  • Fully vaccinated people do not need to quarantine after exposure unless they have symptoms.
  • Extra-curricular activities will be active.
  • Indoor masking will be required for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to school buildings, regardless of vaccination status. 
  • Masks are required of all passengers and drivers on school buses regardless of their vaccination status.  There are no physical distancing requirements.  The district will promote families sitting together.  
  • Masks are required at indoor athletic and school events.
  • Masks are optional outdoors.
  • Mask breaks will be given throughout the day.  
Physical Distancing:
  • At least 3’ of physical distance wherever possible between students within classrooms while masked should be maintained.*
  • Any adult not fully vaccinated should maintain a physical distance of at least 6’ between themselves and other adults or students.
  • Physical distancing is not required on school buses.
  • Physical distancing of at least 3’ wherever possible in the cafeteria while in the food line and 6’ wherever possible while eating.*
 Mitigation Measures:
  • Masking
  • Physical Distancing*
  • Training in handwashing and respiratory etiquette
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Promotion of students and staff staying home when sick or awaiting a test/result
  • Support Chenango DOH with contact tracing and quarantining
  • Regular cleaning and disinfection of buildings, classrooms, and vehicles/buses
  • Students and staff should stay home if they show signs and symptoms of infectious illness and get tested
  • Parents and guardians are encouraged to screen their children for symptoms prior to the start of each school day.
  • Continue to encourage the use of water bottles.

Sports and Extracurricular Activities:
  • Students and adults should follow the same school-day policies and procedures during athletic and extracurricular activities.
  • Further guidance may be forthcoming from the NYS Education Department regarding the need for testing of student athletes in close contact sports, and extracurricular activities that involve singing, shouting, band, and exercise. 
  • As per Section IV, indoor sports will wear masks, outdoor sports are masks optional, unvaccinated coaches are strongly encouraged to wear masks outdoors, and physical distancing will be adhered to both indoors and outdoors as much as possible.
  • Band/Chorus/Cheer must maintain 3’ physical distance and be masked.*
  • Students playing wind/brass instruments will have masks down while playing their instruments and up when not.* 
Alternative Learning:
  • While Oxford Academy wants every student to return to in-person learning, it is understood that a few students may be medically vulnerable from COVID. For those students, an alternative learning option will be available.  Medical notes will be required for this option and the district’s medical director/school physician will review and consult with the district on each request. Medical requests for the 2021/22 school year will require a ten week commitment and should be made by Wednesday, September 8, 2021.  Exemption from in-person learning will also exempt a student from being eligible to participate in co-curricular activities such as athletics, music, clubs, fine arts, etc. 
  • For alternative learning requests, a Student Medical Need Identification Form will need to be submitted to the Building Principal for official review and approval.  Link provided here:     Student Medical Need Identification Form
  • Masks are required of all passengers and drivers on school buses regardless of their vaccination status.  
  • There are no physical distancing requirements. 
  • The district will promote families sitting together.  
  • Students will need to ride the same bus to and from school.
Non-Parent Visitor Protocol:
  • Visitors must abide by all masking, physical distancing, and other COVID related protocols.
  • Proof of vaccination will be required for invited, essential visitors such as college recruiters, student teachers, interns, etc.  Principals will determine whether a visitor is essential if an uninvited, unannounced visitor presents. Vaccination card or photo of vaccination card will constitute proof of vaccination.   
  • Large scale indoor events with visitors are not allowed at this time.  
Facilities Use:
  • At this time, outside groups/agencies are not allowed to use any district facility without approval from an Administrator.
Parent/Guardian Information:
  • Parents/Guardians must abide by all masking, physical distancing, and other COVID related protocols.
  • Parents/Guardians are asked to make appointments to enter a school building if entry is necessary.
  • Parent/Teacher conferences will be held via phone, Google Meet or in person.
  • Parents may drop off essential items such as band instruments, replacements for soiled clothing, etc. at each building’s main entrance.
Quarantined Student Protocol:
  • A student exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will be excused from school until tested for COVID-19.  If positive, will be per local DOH guidelines.  If negative, the student may return as per district illness procedures.  If testing is recommended but not done, the student needs to remain home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms and can return as per district illness procedures (24-hour fever free).
  • Students who are medically quarantined or who are self-quarantining awaiting a test/result or have tested positive for COVID-19 will be provided the following:
  • MS/HS-Students will attend via Google Classroom/Google Meet at the appropriate times throughout the day.  Teachers will post assignments on that platform.
  • Primary - Students will attend via Google Classroom/Google Meet  throughout the day.  Assignments will be posted on that platform. 

Quarantined Teacher Protocol:
  • Teachers who are medically quarantined or who are self-quarantining awaiting a test/result or have tested positive for COVID-19 and are home may use existing technology to continue teaching their courses.  
On-Site Testing:
  • Protocols for who may be tested, how arrangements will be made for individual tests, what personnel will provide the testing, and circumstances for testing will be created and documented in cooperation with CCDOH.
Lunchroom Protocols:
  • Physical distancing of at least 3’ while masked in the cafeteria food line.*
  • Physical distancing of at least 6’ while eating in the cafeteria.* 
Attendance Protocols:
  • The Oxford Academy and Central School District regular attendance policy, procedures, and consequences will be in place for all students.
  • Students will be expected to be present, whether in-person or alternative learning, for all courses to which they are assigned. 
Notes per NYS:
1.  Because of the importance of in-person learning, schools should implement physical distancing to the extent possible within their structures but should not exclude students from in-person learning to keep a minimum distance requirement.
2.  Any section of the re-entry plan above may be amended through federal, state, or local order or directive.  As changes occur, they will be communicated to stakeholders as quickly as possible.
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