Ms. Long

Ms. Long

Global I

Welcome to your first experience with Social Studies in the High School.  This class has two goals: learn content of the beginning of Global History to 1750 and develop skills students will need in order to pass NYS Global II regents next year.  We will focuse our content on pre-history, early civilizations in all parts of the World, exploration and the Renaissance.  Skill development will be in terms of writing, critical thinking, and geography.  Students will take the NYS regents after their 10th grade year of Global II.     

Global II

This year in Global II we will cover World Events from 1750 to the present.  Topics we will discuss are the the Ottoman and Mughal Empires, Enlightenment Period, French Revolution, Nationalism, Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, World War I and World War II, and the World since 1945.  Students will be assessed by a variety of factors such as, quizzes, exit tickets, unit tests, document based essays, and thematic essays.  Students are preparing to take the Global Regents this June 2019.  NY State is in the process of transitioning to a new Global Regents examination.  Students will be encouraged to take both tests that will be offered in June.  The highest score will be recorded on their transcript.

University Geography

Welcome to University Geography and World Cultures.  Oxford Academy HIgh School has partnered with SUNY Morrisville to bring Oxford students more opportunities with College Level Courses.  In this course you will be challenged with a variety or readings (textbook and current event articles) to help make you knowledgable of global issues.  You will also look at each region of the world and focus on how the geography of the area develops the culture of its people.  You will be graded through traditional exams, written opinion pieces of the global issues assigned, a research paper, quizzes and class participation.  If you are looking to learn a lot and challenge yourself at the same time as earning college credit, this is the course for you!

My Story

I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA.  I received my undergraduate degree from LaSalle University.  Spent the first five years teaching High School Global and U.S. History at Little Flower Catholic High School.  Once I moved to Oxford, NY, I took a job at Norwich Middle School.  7th and 8th grade middle school social studies was my home for the last ten years.  I am happy to be in my home district teaching High School Global I, Global II, University Geography and being part of the Pathways program.  This is my second year being a part of the Oxford Academy team and I look forward to the 2018-2019.
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