The Oxford Academy and Central School Board of Education recognizes that learning environments that are safe and supportive can increase student attendance and improve academic achievement. A student's ability to learn and achieve high academic standards, and a school's ability to educate students, is compromised by incidents of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to bullying, taunting and intimidation. Therefore, in accordance with the Dignity for All Students Act, Education Law, Article 2, the District will strive to create an environment free of bullying, discrimination and/or harassment and will foster civility in the schools to prevent and prohibit conduct which is inconsistent with the District's educational mission. Since cyberbullying is a form of bullying, the term “bullying” as used in this policy will implicitly include cyberbullying even if it is not explicitly stated. The
District condemns and prohibits all forms of bullying, discrimination
and/or harassment of students based on actual or perceived race, color,
weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice,
disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex by school employees or
students on school property and at school-sponsored activities and
events that take place at locations off school property. In addition,
any act of bullying, discrimination and/or harassment, outside of school
sponsored events, which can reasonably be expected to materially and
substantially disrupt the education process may be subject to